Ya que nos aproximamos inexorablemente a las Navidades, creo que es de rigor postear -aunque sea brevemente- sobre el mejor disco de villancicos de la historia.
Puesto a la venta en 1963, es obra de uno de los productores más famosos de la historia: Phil Spector.
Phil Spector es conocido por la invención del concepto "Wall of Sound" (basicamente ir añadiendo instrumentos sobre instrumento sobre instrumento, creando al final la dicha "Wall of Sound"), y en los 60 basicamente era el rey.
Y como hoy no estoy para escribir mucho, pues voy a hacer un copy & paste del review que le dedica All Music, que a mi juicio es "spot on".
Featuring Phil Spector's "Wall of Sound" in its prime and his early stable of artists, the Ronettes, Crystals, Darlene Love, and Bob B. Soxx & the Blue Jeans, A Christmas Gift for You From Phil Spector stands as inarguably the greatest Christmas record of all time. Spector believed he could produce a record for the holidays that would capture not only the essence of the Christmas spirit, but also be a pop masterpiece that would stand against any work these artists had already done. He succeeded on every level, with all four groups/singers recording some of their most memorable performances. This is the Christmas album by which all later holiday releases had to be judged, and it has inspired a host of imitators
Y que mejor que dejaros con un White Christmas cantado por Darlene Love
¡Felices Fiestas!
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