Via netzkobold
Where the hell is Pere? (physically or otherwise)
Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul, for quite different and more fundamental reasons than I'd disposed of Blyth, and then a year after that I did for my young cousin Esmerelda, more or less on a whim.
That's my score to date. Three. I haven't killed anybody for years, and don't intend to ever again.
It was just a stage I was going through.
- Iain Banks, The Wasp Factory
Hoax!! :) (obviament)
ja, pero a que mola?
Es clar que mola... pero això d'anar penjant Hoax... molt poc serio. eh?!
I tu creus que l'entrada que vaig fer de la Repubblica era real? :-D
-- p.
Grandíssima portada. Mireu aquesta que ha penjat un amic meu al seu blog. Brutal també!
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